Jack Kohler walks upriver to Ishi Pishi Falls to remember what it is like to fish on the rapids of the river. The Center of the World for the Karuk people, where they hold their Pikiyawa ceremonies to Fix the World.
a space to think about the changing agricultural landscape in the Yolo groundwater subbasin in Norhtern California, with implications to nature, above and below ground.
we will provide context about changes in land ownership driving an influx of investors to grow nut tree plantations hardening the demand on groundwater aquifers. we will hear from people who are directly impacted by these conditions, exacerbated by an extended drought.
a space to think about the changing agricultural landscape in the Yolo groundwater subbasin in Norhtern California, with implications to nature, above and below ground.
we will provide context about changes in land ownership driving an influx of investors to grow nut tree plantations hardening the demand on groundwater aquifers. we will hear from people who are directly impacted by these conditions, exacerbated by an extended drought.
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